Luana’s Story

I remember that in my early 20’s, I wanted to look good as it made me feel good. Back then, I was young, healthy and I was spending MY money. How many of us remember those days?

I’m not sure if most of us were like me for this part, but as time passed, I struggled with living my best life and balancing my financial commitments. And guess what, by 21 I, already had a student loan. A very big step in life. I remember hanging out with my friends and I would select the cheapest appetizer and sip from one drink all night long. Back then, I felt so embarrassed. I was always reluctant to go out. Right now, I can look back and laugh about it.

I became so overwhelmed with wanting to have it all by 28; a good job, insurance, degree and love. Pursuing these resulted in me neglecting many facets of my life. I became overweight, I was mentally and emotionally drained and I started living from paycheck to paycheck. Because, as an overachiever, I needed to have that master’s degree by 28 and so, my loans and credit card debt grew even higher.

I traveled abroad with very limited funds to pursue my degree and I was living on my own with greater responsibility to survive in a foreign land. For the first few months, I struggled significantly. I was forced to reflect on everything I knew about budgeting and managing money. In one month, I watched over thirty (30) videos. I signed up for free money management courses and I spoke to colleagues who were facing similar challenges. Over time, my situation improved. I learnt more and more about ways to manage money and business. I qualified myself and put the lessons to practice.

Luana Laurent - Finance Focus

Upon my return to Dominica, I realized that many others may have or would have some of the similar challenges that I encountered. As a result, I created a social media platform to share financial management tips and business guidance for free. While providing guidance, I continued to improve my financial situation. I sought other sources of income, saved more and paid down debt. This allowed me to become debt free by age 31.

After four (4) amazing years of hard work and consistency, my network has grown and Finance Focus has become a household name with many people seeking to become #financiallyfocused.

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